Translation Device


Following the 7 feminist data principles, create a translation device in p5 that translates external JSON datasets into feminist data.


We have been learning and discussing the virtues of feminist data for the last couple of weeks. For Assignment #10, you are asked to find existing public APIs that host JSON datasets on the web, then examine and re-interpret the data following one or more of the feminist data principles covered in the last two lectures.

There are multiple ways to approach this assignment. For example, you can compare two datasets that document the same event and reveal new information through cross-comparing data. For example, in this week’s lecture we’ve talked about the discrepancies between U.S. census data versus Black Americans’ data collected by W.E.B. Du Bois and a group of Black students. Finding a way to compare and translate between these two datasets through a feminist data lens is one way to approach the assignment.

You can also find an existing dataset that does not follow the ethos of 7 feminist data principles, then find a way to reveal the voided, missing information – missing data is also a kind of information that can deliver tremendous meaning.

Please reflect on the materials we’ve covered in the last couple of weeks and put consideration into the datasets you end up including in your project and how you’re translating them into feminist data.

Design Constraint

Canvas Size: 600 * 600


Part 1 : Due 12/7

  1. Use the 7 feminist data principles as a guide and begin researching for publicly available API + JSON datasets for your project. Here is a place to start.
  2. Load the datasets into your p5 editor and storyboard three ideas for how the translation device is going to look / work.

Part 2: Due 12/10

  1. You will present your storyboards and datasets in Lab, then you will revise and polish your ideas based on feedback from CC faculty and peers.

Part 3: Due 12/14

  1. Complete your translation device in p5.
    • On your CC portfolio page, please include the following:
    • Describe your design process. Include your three sketches and API sources.
    • A description for your translation device. Which feminst data principles did you choose to reference and why?
      Your overall reflection on the assignment:
    • How does your design respond to feminist data principles?
    • How did your translation device recontextualize the original datasets?

Submission Guidelines

Please submit your sketch to two places:

  1. Submit the sketch to the CC Lab class Canvas Assignment 10
  2. Add the sketch to your Critical Computation portfolio
